MEDIATION to resolve conflicts
Whether at home, in business, in a club or at school, a long-lasting dispute or unresolved conflict can be very stressful.
If you have the feeling that you are stuck in a conflict and cannot find a solution, then you have come to the right place! We support you in finding a way out of the conflict.
Through our mediation, we give your conflict a chance to be resolved and options for action to be found. Your dispute can be de-escalated and the relationship between all parties can be sustainably improved. This can often avoid a legal dispute.
Mediation briefly explained
Mediation is a method that makes it possible to develop a solution that suits all parties to the conflict and is perceived as fair by all sides.
The mediator’s targeted approach separates facts from opinions and emotions during the mediation process. There is room for the interests and needs of both parties to the conflict.
Mediation requires voluntary participation and the willingness of all parties to the conflict to find a solution.
Conflicts in the business environment:
- Conflicts between employees and managers
- Team conflicts
- Disputes between business partners
- Conflicts in the building industry
- Disputes between shareholders
Conflicts in private life are diverse:
- Family disputes
- Separation and divorce
- Child Custody
- Inheritance disputes
- Care conflicts
- Conflicts between neighbors
For good cooperation in school and leisure:
- Conflicts between teachers, parents, parent representatives and pupils
- Conflicts between association management and members
Our Mediators
Mediation in the work context, team mediation and private conflicts
Mediation in construction disputes, shareholder disputes, inheritance disputes
Mediation in professional and private settings, group mediation
Family mediation: separation, divorce, inheritance disputes
Family mediation: separation, inheritance, dispute over a family member in care
We are happy to advise you
We mediators work on a freelance or part-time basis. We have an extensive package of experience and expertise from various fields. In addition to mediation, we also offer coachings and trainings in dealing with conflicts.
We will be happy to advise you on the options for your situation in an preliminary call.
Please contact us to arrange an appointment: info@mediation-hamburg-nord.de

Online Mediation
There are situations in which an in-person mediation is very difficult, e.g. when the conflicting parties live in different places or even countries.
In this case, we also offer online mediation.
We usually work with the Zoom video conferencing tool.
Practice in recent years has shown that conflicts can also be resolved very well online if it is in the interest of all parties to resolve the conflict in this way.
Technical requirements such as a good video camera, microphone and a stable internet connection are necessary for all parties involved.